Hi VIP Friends, This week I have added a new page to the website ( http://www.marshamarie.com/my-codex-vitae--my-book-of-life--.html ), the Codex Vitae. Now some may wonder what that is. Well, the Codex Vitae is a self-development framework. It goes like this: The rule is quite simple. Write down your beliefs. Make it a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly habit. Soon, your life will be more aligned with your worldview (a.k.a belief). Thus, you will be happier. I decided to take on this challenge and it was really interesting to sit and think about what I honestly believe about my life and the world around me. (I would challenge everyone to this activity; you might just learn something about yourself, too.) My beliefs about…. Me: Commercials work on me. Always have. Always will. I am a work-a-holic, and proud of it. I have too many questions in life. I am too plump. Chocolate cupcakes are my kryptonite....