My Codex Vitae --My Book of Life

Hi VIP Friends,

This week I have added a new page to the website (, the Codex Vitae. Now some may wonder what that is. Well, the Codex Vitae is a self-development framework. It goes like this: The rule is quite simple. Write down your beliefs. Make it a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly habit. Soon, your life will be more aligned with your worldview (a.k.a belief). Thus, you will be happier.

I decided to take on this challenge and it was really interesting to sit and think about what I honestly believe about my life and the world around me. (I would challenge everyone to this activity; you might just learn something about yourself, too.)



My beliefs about….


Commercials work on me. Always have. Always will.
I am a work-a-holic, and proud of it.
I have too many questions in life.
I am too plump.
Chocolate cupcakes are my kryptonite.
I make lots of mistakes, but I always admit them.
I hate lying; and I refuse to do it for anybody.
Meditation has changed my life.
I’m ashamed of not caring enough about others.
I want to run and hide in a mountain to meditate for a year, but in all honesty, I would probably go crazy after a month.


People are inherently good. Bad actions come from bad situations.
People around the world are very similar while being very different. For example: we all want love, resources, and to be heard.


Politics drive me crazy.
I don’t trust anyone in politics.


Domestic violence, rape and molestation is never justifiable or acceptable; it's a choice that results in devastating consequences.
We need to change the way society thinks about domestic violence in order to stop it.
I think society--as a whole--has lost its way.
I think it will take a major act of God or alien to bring us together as one.
Get a passport. Traveling the world is the best way to expand your mind.


Science is a two-edged sword.
Science confuses and impresses me at the same time.
On the one hand, it saves men.
But then as a result, there are now too many humans on the planet and then they say that we are destroying it. (See? Confusing.)
The qwerty-keyboard is the greatest invention ……ever!

The Universe:

It’s pretty-fricken-awesome!
We are not alone.
I'm still debating if the Earth is flat or not. Evidence is worth thinking about.
I'm still confused as to why the Earth has sunlight, but it’s dark in space.
The universe is still not big enough, sometimes.


What a person believes has more factors than 10 to the power of 37.
Accept the fact that everyone has it’s own internal thermometer, and you will be more compassionate to others’ feelings.
A black eye is not the only evidence of domestic violence; so learn the signs.


I am privileged because........
Of my blue eyes.
I am woman; thus, I am the lesser of two evils.
I’m a native-English-speaker.
I am allowed to drive.
I can put my thoughts on paper.
I can walk, see, and talk.
I can still learn.

Humans are privileged because........
They can think and feel.
They can control most creatures; except roaches.
They can create a written record.


Try to be someone's hero every day.
Never lie.
Don’t deceive.
Never touch anything that doesn’t belong to you.
Always be there for your children.
It’s never too late to try.

Mental Health:

Mental health services should be free for everyone---not just the rich.
Meditate in order to improve awareness of subconscious thoughts and feelings.
Meditation should be started in schools at elementary level.
Meditation should also be part of rehabilitation in prisons and correctional facilities everywhere.
Always try to avoid social comparison — it is a common root of unhappiness and poor decisions.
Practice gratitude.
Every day share two good things with somebody.
Every year gather 52 experiences to be grateful for.


Set goals!
Keep a daily diary and hold yourself accountable..
Stay focused; you have at least 100 books inside of you dying to get out.
Write down your ideas so you do not forget them.

Hope and Desires:

I want to see my book, BANGLES, as a movie.
(I'm still debating whether to have Drew Barrymore or Melissa McCarthy play my part.)
I want all of my belongings to fit in a single room.
I want a kitchen that cleans itself.
I want to continue to learn.
I want an oven like the one in the Jetsons cartoon—I really hate cooking.


Never wear socks unless you are running a fever.
Have a personal uniform; mine is a black skirt and various colored shirt. Keep 120 shirts in stock and rotate them each laundry day (it keeps me unpredictable to the rest of the world).
Style theory: dress conservative---always.
Only buy clothes that you love. That means they fit, look good and you have a plan for wearing. No need for wishful thinking when shopping. Goodwill is a gold mine for conservative-style shirts.


Bangles: My True Story of Escape, Adventure and Forgiveness, by me. It reminds me of how far I have come.
It’s Hard to Meditate When Your Butt Itches: My Journey to Find Inner Peace, by me. Researching information for this book changed my life.
Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book gave me permission to be me; no need to be perfect.


You can never relive your childhood, so make sure to write down all your favorites recipes from your mom and grandma while you can.
Best Pakistani Dish: Alloo Pallak
Best Breakfast: prata, chai and chutney in Kalu Kalan, Pakistan
Best Sushi: Ewwwww…..nowhere!
Best Pizza: Pizzeria, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Best Burrito: Any Taco Bell, burrito supreme.
Best French Fries: at Volcano in Al Jimi Mall, Al Ain, UAE.
Best fast food: A veggi swarma, in Al Ain, UAE.
Best Whiskey: Don’t know, I don’t drink.


Know why you are writing.
For the first draft focus on getting your thoughts out of your head. Just write and don’t let your fingers stop moving. The result will always be a crappy, but expect that.
The second draft is for articulation of thought. Start from scratch and rewrite the best parts of the first draft in a form that people could understand.
The third draft is for positioning. Consider what purpose or impact you want. This is the draft where you delete half of what you’ve already written.
The fourth draft is for polish. Specifically look for the phrase “I think” and for ambiguous pronouns.
The fifth draft is just rewriting the title until you think people will read it.


I really don’t have the foggiest. I just live one day at a time now.


I would do so many things different if I could start my dating era all over again.
I’m sure there is a perfect match somewhere, but I just cannot find him.


Family is forever, which makes investing in them now so worthwhile. Quite often, you’ll have decades to reap the rewards.
Don’t have kids if you really don’t want to. Matter of fact, do the world a favor, and don’t have kids if you really do not want to. It’s not selfish at all to be childless; it is a personal decision, and far too many people take that decision far too lightly.
Always kiss babies.


Friendship springs from two sources, shared experience and natural chemistry. Watch for the chemistry and bet on it, because chemistry is forever.
Know who your close friends are and invest in them.

Anxieties, Worries, and Fears:

Heart attack.
Going bald.
Going blind.
Losing recognition of my own children.


Live in something that is small and perfect for you.
Live within your means.


Don’t cry over money; it doesn’t even know who you are.
Debt is modern day slavery; Dave Ramsey is right about almost everything,,,, listen to him.


If you hate going to work every day, it is time to seek change.
Don’t do something you hate just for the salary; it will not be worth it in the end.
Be the best that you can be; someone that matters will notice.


Learn something about life from everyone you get to meet. If it is not obvious, look for it.
Everyone has a right to education.
Professionals aren't scared of sharing knowledge.
Literacy changes lives; get involved somehow.
Spend at least 20 minutes a day on personal development.
Never stop!!

Things I No Longer Believe in:

True love.
The old saying, “Mother knows best.”


Always order a water instead of soda.
Have a default breakfast. (For me, one packet of oatmeal is perfect, with ice water and coffee.)
Experience living in the present.
Find a better solution to social anxiety than achievement and eating.
Learn to give compassionate feedback.
Again, keep a personal list of goals and work on them every single day until you die.


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