The Taboo Kiss


The Taboo Kiss

by Marsha Marie

The night is bitter cold. Our shifts started at 11 pm, and the thought of seeing him again was so exciting. We meet up for class as usual and begin chatting. Eighteen years my junior, and all of his attention is on me. 

Tonight he wants to go for a walk. 

"Let’s go to Fatima Jinnah Park. We can take your car.” 

“Sounds great. Let’s go.”

The park is just down the road; so not a long drive at all. We park the car and head into the dark mini-forest. My heels clicking in the crisp air. We talk about random things. He is young and not very experienced in life. I already have two marriages and three children. The most unusual of a pairing. 

His English is broken but sweet. We discuss life and things about our different cultures. I am an American and he is Pakistani. 

The fog from our faces does not bother us at all. Yes, there are others walking around the park, but we don’t mind. They look like couples too, and we just look the other way and continue our walk. 

The cement path is about 6 ft wide, the moon is hidden and the darkness is heavy. We stop walking and he pulls me in. Standing there on that cement path, our lips touch. My heart is pounding. He smells amazing. So inviting. What a dream come true. But is this okay? He is my student. I have been giving him English lessons for two weeks now. Then one day, his hand touched my knee, and that is when it all began. 

In the secret of the night he kissed me with more passion than I had ever experienced. He embraces me and squeezes. Our tongues engage and suddenly I don't even know where I am. His grip tightens and he releases his energy. 

We slowly separate and begin walking again. We glide back to the car, and head back to work. What a taboo kiss to remember.  

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