
There is a Pakistani saying: Medi goi khab aiyai? (Did I have a dream?) Well, yes actually, I have several dreams. And it's true that some of them I have absolutely no idea how I will fulfill any of them. For instance one of my dreams is to have a movie made of my story. Wow, imagine me on the big screen!! Okay, not me personally, but either Melissa McCarthy or Drew Barrymore. I guess I will leave that decision to the big-time-producers. And then I have the dream of my Sandi Sweet Coloring Book series to be in every Children's hospitals and domestic violence shelter across the nation; bringing a ray of peace and tranquility to those who are suffering the most. And then there's the dream of putting Bangles: My True Story of Escape, Adventure and Forgiveness in every domestic violence shelter library in the world. I know, that is a very tall order, isn't it? Well, how would I even begin to do this? A professional acquaintance of mine suggested that I take ...