Music Brings Families Together

Ah music! The greatest mood-modifier of all time! Whether your sad, in love, feeling funny, or just want to dance, we all have our favorites-list tucked away in our hearts. A few times a year, our family will have a sing-a-long night ; this is were we take turns at finding old songs that we love on YouTube and play them really loud. We laugh, sing and sometimes dance as a family. We've been doing this for several years now and they truly are some of our greatest family moments. (Honestly, it was my mother who started this tradition. She would play her favorite 50's songs loud and we would dance together. I remember us doing the Mash-Potato and the Twist, and laughing for hours. Really amazing memories!) A few weeks back, I thought that it would be great if I had a place I could go to that with all of my favorite videos already saved-up; and so, MARSHA'S PLAYLIST was born. Now it's eve...