I Hate Cancer!


I Hate Cancer 

by Marsha Marie 

If ever there were a topic that was easy to write about, it would be how much I hate having cancer. Diagnosed in November of 2023, my life took a drastic change in direction. "Leukemia," they told me. "You will die if you do not start treatment immediately; two months tops." 

I felt like my world had ended. The next few months were a long blur of tears, fear and vomiting.  Yes, my hair fell out. I felt like everyday could possibly be my last. 

Then an option was given to me. I could get a stem-cell transplant and get an 80% survival rate. So my two choices were try to survive or die. I chose to try. 

So, in March of 2024, I watched donated tiny stem-cell particles stream down a tube and into my arm. (You could actually see them when you put a light on it. Quite cool when you think about it.) 

Since the diagnosis, I have lost about 70 pounds, and have taken what feels like thousands of pills. Mood swings are up and down with the breezes. I have been in and out of the hospital so much so that I have a parking spot with my name on it. (Okay, maybe not a parking spot, but the nurses know me by recognition for sure.) 

Double-digit bone marrows and tons of chemo. Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of it all. I can truly exclaim, that I hate cancer and everything that comes with it. I even hate the word cancer

The only thing I love are my family members, my doctors, the nurses, everyone at the hospital and technology. I am sure I would not be writing this today had it not been for all of the above. 

So long story short, I'm better today. Learning to live with this new norm. The struggle is real and my heart goes out to anyone who is in this battle with me. Stay strong! It's a long road, but you can do it! 

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