Ready for download: It's Hard to Meditate When Your Butt Itches

Hi All,
I am so excited to announce that my ebook, It's Hard to Meditate When Your Butt Itches: My Journey to Find Inner Peace: It's Only the Beginning, is finally ready and has been uploaded to Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Writing this ebook has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. During this time, I laughed and cried; and now, I am so happy to be sharing my experiences with all of you.
The book covers a two-month-span of my learning how to meditate, and the amazing changes that I felt within as a result. It shares my failures and my victories. Join me as I stop looking outward for things to take my hidden pains away, and start looking within for real happiness and joy. My life has been changed forever as a result, and I am extremely grateful for that.
My greatest hope now is that someone who may also be looking for inner peace, might be encouraged by my words to give it a try, and see for themselves, the possibilities of relaxation and calmness within through meditation.
The pdf file is free for download here. Please allow a few days for it to be free on Amazon and the other outlets, if you would rather download from there.
Peace and blessing to you all. Thank you for taking the time to be with me today. Please feel free to share this book with friends and family. 💖

P.S. Starting this week, I will be replacing the monthly newsletter with blog update emails. I hope you enjoy them. Depending on my inspiration, I may be blogging once or twice a week; they will be not-so-edited and spontanious. 💖

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