Ask Me Anything Online Event

Happy New Year!

Did you know that next week is the ASK ME ANYTHING online event?

It will be on February 4, 2018, at 7am Phoenix-time! Event title is:

I lived a 14-year-self-exile in a Pakistani village to escape my abuser. I wrote a book telling my story. Ask me anything.


Get your questions in today!

Here are a few of the questions that have been submitted already:

  • Why didn’t you call the police instead of just hiding in Pakistan?
  • How did you overcome all those experiences?
  • If you were offered a TV or film adaptation of your life story, would you do it?
  • Did you and your children need to learn a whole different language while staying in Pakistan?
  • What is the best advice you can give to other battered wives and women who are victims of domestic abuse?
  • How was it like living in seclusion for 14 years?
  • Did you ever regret anything you did in the past 14 years?
  • Why, in all places, did you end up in Pakistan?

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