Apparently, Reddit Sucks--only for Me!?!

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I joined about a week ago because I had read a news article about it on CNN. In the article it explained about some folks doing ASK ME ANYTHING events because they wanted to promote new websites and such; making it a great platform to gain followers.

Fair enough.

So I thought, that since I was in the middle of doing my own AMA event on another website, I would also give Reddit a try. I created an account and started buzzing around like a visiting bee. Reading about how it works and all of the different topics that I could join.

Let me tell you, I have to admit, I was really shocked at some of the topics that folks chose to talk about in a public forum. Like for example: I am Jesus Christ, ask me anything. I shit myself today, ask me anything. etc. However, the most offensive for me was this: I'm a pedophile, ask me anything.

WTF? Are you kidding me? I thought to myself, "Surely, this is a joke." Then I made the mistake of looking at the feed. I was abhorred. This man was actually justifying his attraction to children and saying other things that I just do not have the stomach to repeat...ever!!. I literally got nauseous reading the few lines that I did. I was so saddened to think that our world has become so callused that we tolerate such trolls openly flaunting their perversion for the world to see, and then letting them brag about it.

After I was able to pull myself together, I tried to press-on and check out some of the other topics; (not good so far, I thought, only my first day of reading the topics and I'm already disgusted).

Then, I found a guy that was looking for titles to read, and he only wanted ones that had changed our life somehow. I thought, "Okay, that seems innocent enough; my book has changed my life, so I could share it with him." And so I wrote him a nice two sentences letting him know the title. That was it.

Well, two hours later, I receive an email reprimanding me for promoting myself.

WTF?!?! Are you kidding me??????? Your people allow an open pedophile to spew his filth on your website, but I cannot make a book suggestion? I was livid!!

It took me about an hour to calm down from that email. Once I did, I took a deep breath, logged into my account on Reddit, deleted my suggestion to the man looking for book titles, and deactivated my account.

One of the great things about freedom of choice, is just that........choosing!!!

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