If I Were to Dress Up This Year.....
Hi Everyone, Halloween is here. And although it's not one of my favorite holidays, I'm still very interested in its history and how it got started (Here is the link to its history just in case your're interested too. http://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween ). Kids never think about--or even care for that matter--how this colorful day came about; I know, CANDY was all we ever cared about as kids 🙌🙌🙌🙌 .....right fellow Generation X-ers??? I am so thankful that I grew up in the days when we treaded the entire half-a-mile-radius for those bite-sized delectables, and then jumped over to our best friend's neighborhood for some more. Awe, the good ole days! When I was a kid, the most common costume was a home-made gypsy outfit. It was easy and fun. Not much thought involved really---all I had to do was raid my mother's jewelry box and borrow her red square dance outfit (I'm still not sure where the outfit came fr...