Calling All Writers!

Hi All,

In this week's blog we are going to look at an article taken from Teacher Talk: A Collection of Magazine Articles for Teachers (Book 3). Although it was first penned in 2012, the information is equally as valid today. If you have always wanted to be a writer, then here is your chance.

November is approaching fast, and soon the inspired writers of the non-profit organization National Novel Writing Month (known as NaMoWriMo) will unite with fiery to punch out the tall tales that burn within. Come each November 1, aspiring writers from around the world take to their keyboards and feverishly attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in just 30 days. If the novelist is successful, they are awarded an official certificate and badge from the NaMoWriMo organization.  But, if they don’t make the mark, no harm done.  You see, the fun part of this yearly event is the process of writing, and the personal satisfaction of fulfilling one’s goal.
Amazingly, what started with just 21 NaMoWriMo writers (in 1999), has now skyrocketed to a booming 256,618 participants in recent years; all of them with a burning desire, and a tale to tell. Tell me, do you have a story that is just dying to get out? Here is what to do:
  1. Go to Create an account and fill in the details of you and your upcoming novel.
  2. Start outlining and planning your story, but refrain from any writing! You will get the chance soon enough.
  3. On November 1, begin writing! No real plot? No problem! Just let your creative juices flow and keep typing. You will watch your own epic unfold before your eyes. Remember that your goal is to write 50,000 words by midnight November 30. Pace yourself and have a mini-goal each day (e.g. 1700 words per day).
  4. At the end of the 30-day deadline, upload your novel for official verification. And that’s it—you will be a novelist!
Besides all of this, an amazing part about NaMoWriMo, is the work that they are inspiring around the globe with young writers. This year, the Young Writer’s Program (YWP) will support nearly 2000 classrooms and 60,000 inspired independent kid-novelist worldwide. What an incredible inspiration to all of us! What is more, the YWP website is loaded with resources for teachers, such as curricula, workbooks and even a classroom kit—for teaching NaNoWriMo in schools, libraries, and community centers.  So this year, get those kids writing!

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