I Love My Peachy-Massy!

Hi Dear Ones,

Today I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite people in the whole world, Peachy-Massy. Kind of a strange name, I know, but let me explain. When I lived in the Middle East, I had a horrible handicap: I just couldn't remember anyone's name. Be them strangers, or immediate family members, names were like slippery fish; I had them one moment, and the next they were just gone. So to help me decipher from the hundreds of my husband's relatives, I would attach English nick-names, this way I would remember the names by attribute-association.

So how did I get Peachy-Massy? Quite logically actually. Peachy-Massy was my mother-in-law's younger sister. She lived in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and would come to visit us as often as she could. I loved it when she came over; she would always bring chickens or goats over and give as gifts to my children. She was truly one of the happiest people I had met during my 17 years in Pakistan; when she smiled, her whole face lit up. Now, because she was my husband's aunt on his mother's side, she was called Massy (Hindko for "maternal aunt"). And because she always had blushing huge, round, fuzzy-cheeks, I dubbed her Peachy, thus the name Peachy-Massy. (Peachy in the face and peachy in spirit....it worked on all levels!)

The nick-name has stayed with her even to this day. She is long since passed away now, but when we speak of her within the family, she is still called Peachy-Massy. I will always love her and our times together. I can still feel her love and happiness each time I see this picture. She is truly missed.


Oh yea! You may be wondering what they call the paternal aunts? Well that would be "poopie" (you can just imagine how fun that was for my 3 and 5-year-old being allowed to call people "Poopie" and it be okay---but we will leave that fun topic for another day).

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