If I Were to Dress Up This Year.....
Hi Everyone,

Kids never think about--or even care for that matter--how this colorful day came about; I know, CANDY was all we ever cared about as kids 🙌🙌🙌🙌.....right fellow Generation X-ers??? I am so thankful that I grew up in the days when we treaded the entire half-a-mile-radius for those bite-sized delectables, and then jumped over to our best friend's neighborhood for some more. Awe, the good ole days!
When I was a kid, the most common costume was a home-made gypsy outfit. It was easy and fun. Not much thought involved really---all I had to do was raid my mother's jewelry box and borrow her red square dance outfit (I'm still not sure where the outfit came from, because I never saw my mother square dance once in my life.) I must have wore that same outfit for 8 years. Honestly, I only remember one other time dressing up like a punk-military officer (spiked hair and combat boots). I was 18 and still going trick-or-treating.......quite sad now that I think about it. Nonetheless, that crazy punk ensemble was the last time of dressing up for me. But each year, I think, hmmmm.....I wonder what I would be, if I were to dress up this year.
Here is my list:
- an invisible man--but then no one would see me, so what would be the point.
- Donald Trump--not too fond of attaching Cheetos to my head.
- Kim Kardashian--OMG, my butt wouldn't fit in my car, and neither would my head for that matter.
- Gandhi--nah, tying the robes are too confusing.
- Nusrat Fatah Ali Khan--not hardly. I wouldn't be able to sit for so many hours with my legs crossed without them falling asleep.
- Dolly Parton--Oh please. OVERDONE!
- a tree--afraid of getting chopped down.
- an airplane--I wouldn't be able to fly, so I would feel so useless.
- Madonna--nahh...old news!
- David Spade--oh I'm definitely too tall.
- Pastor Steven L Anderson--I'm way too wimpy to pull that off.
- a chocolate cake--uh yummm!.
But finally, if I had to choose today, I think that I will dress up as a World Peace ballon.
Enjoy your holiday, and stay safe!