If I Were to Dress Up This Year.....

Hi Everyone,

Halloween, Pumpkin, Pumpkin PatchHalloween is here. And although it's not one of my favorite holidays, I'm still very interested in its history and how it got started (Here is the link to its history just in case your're interested too. http://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween).

Kids never think about--or even care for that matter--how this colorful day came about; I know, CANDY was all we ever cared about as kids ðŸ™ŒðŸ™ŒðŸ™ŒðŸ™Œ.....right fellow Generation X-ers??? I am so thankful that I grew up in the days when we treaded the entire half-a-mile-radius for those bite-sized delectables, and then jumped over to our best friend's neighborhood for some more. Awe, the good ole days!

When I was a kid, the most common costume was a home-made gypsy outfit. It was easy and fun. Not much thought involved really---all I had to do was raid my mother's jewelry box and borrow her red square dance outfit (I'm still not sure where the outfit came from, because I never saw my mother square dance once in my life.) I must have wore that same outfit for 8 years. Honestly, I only remember one other time dressing up like a punk-military officer (spiked hair and combat boots). I was 18 and still going trick-or-treating.......quite sad now that I think about it. Nonetheless, that crazy punk ensemble was the last time of dressing up for me. But each year, I think, hmmmm.....I wonder what I would be, if I were to dress up this year.

Here is my list:

  • an invisible man--but then no one would see me, so what would be the point.
  • Donald Trump--not too fond of attaching Cheetos to my head.
  • Kim Kardashian--OMG, my butt wouldn't fit in my car, and neither would my head for that matter.
  • Gandhi--nah, tying the robes are too confusing.
  • Nusrat Fatah Ali Khan--not hardly. I wouldn't be able to sit for so many hours with my legs crossed without them falling asleep.
  • Dolly Parton--Oh please. OVERDONE!
  • a tree--afraid of getting chopped down.
  • an airplane--I wouldn't be able to fly, so I would feel so useless.
  • Madonna--nahh...old news!
  • David Spade--oh I'm definitely too tall.
  • Pastor Steven L Anderson--I'm way too wimpy to pull that off.
  • a chocolate cake--uh yummm!.

But finally, if I had to choose today, I think that I will dress up as a World Peace ballon.

Enjoy your holiday, and stay safe!

Heart, Love, Valentine'S Day, Globe

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