Was SpaceX doing their own version of 'War of the Worlds', in 2017? Stupid fuckers!
Hi Everyone!
I hope that you are all having a wonderful Christmas holiday. Just to let you know now, this blog post is not going to full of cheer today, cause I am still angry about the other night.
Imaging you are driving home from work and you spot something in the sky and it looks like an alien invasion. What would you do? Well, on December 22, 2017, I totally freaked out; and I was not alone.
I had just gotten off work and was driving west on Interstate 10, as I do every night. I was humming along with some classical music and I remember looking at the clock and noticing that I just might get home 15 minutes earlier than usual due to the traffic being so thinned out. Yea holidays! As I looked ahead on the stretch of highway, I noticed to the right of my vision a bunch of smoke in the sky. I first thought it was fire, then when I noticed that the smoke was coming from an object my thoughts turned to a plane must be in trouble. "What the hell? On no!"
But then as it headed more south the smoke, or fumes, just kept increasing in size. It was massive. I didn't look like a plane anymore. "Oh my god. what is that!? Oh shit, it's got to be alien!" The light was so bright that it lit up the entire trail. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen.
The freeway nearly came to a standstill. Some were pulling over. But I--like a fool--kept driving at about 5 miles and hour. I was honestly scared. I didn't know if I should keep going or flee. I fumbled with my phone to get some footage of the event, but because I didn't have my glasses on, all I got was a crappy picture of some red light on my dash board. So I decided to call my kids---they have got to see this! Desperately, half blind while trying to drive I found my daughter's number. She picks up the phone and I scream at her, "Is your brother home? Oh my god, it's happening, I see aliens!"
"Mom, are you serious? What?" I proceed to give her the synopsis of what I am seeing and begin tearing up. I was really scared. And it looked like it was going right over my house. Again I was confused as to whether I should pull over or keep driving. I scream one last instruction. "Call your brother and tell him to look outside!"
Both of us begin calling my son. Just then a van swerves off the road next to me in order to not hit the car that has just stopped in front of him. It was crazy! Car are stopping everywhere, right on the freeway. I press forward and finally get my son on the phone. "Are you seeing this?!" I scream.
"Yea, I am recording it. What the hell is that mom?"
"I don't know. Should I keep driving. I am scared. Is that poisonous gas?" I start tearing up again. My son tells me to go home, and he will meet me there. I call my daughter back and stay on the phone with her until I reach the front door.
By the time I got home, the object was gone, along with its trail. Still stunned by the display, I jump onto YouTube and see that others have already started uploading footage. I showed my daughter and say, "See! See! Isn't that fucking scary?"
My son finally arrives home. (He had stopped off to get some pizza for dinner; because, that's what our family does when they think that they are being invaded by aliens, they stop off for pizza. I mean, doesn't everybody? LOL). Then he walks in and nonchalantly announces that it was a rocket with a satellite on it. It was launched in California.
My mouth drops open. "What? A rocket? Who says?"
"The news announced it was a rocket. Let's eat."
Once I calmed down from thinking ET was flying over Phoenix, I became angry with whoever sent the rocket. "How can they just do that without telling us first? Oh, that's just not right. The freeway was chaos! People stopping on the road, and cars swerving. Why couldn't these fuckers let us know months ahead of time. I would've just stopped and watched in awe. They don't tell us about something so profound that it lights up the whole night sky; why the fuck not? Fuck them! That is just irresponsible! I hope no one got hurt or had a heart attack or something. Why couldn't they just do it during the day?" (I was really mad. I ranted on for about an hour. I found out the next morning that it was SpaceX responsible for it.)
SpaceX, I really hope that somebody sues your ass off for causing mass hysteria. That was really unnecessary. Learn to use social media the right way!!!!
(Hers is some great footage taken by a news guy in a helicopter, listen to what he says, even he didn't know what was happening.)