It's Called Democracy!

Usa Flag, Flag, Usa, American, United

This morning while driving to work I happened upon a nice looking mini-van. It was a lovely color, no scratches, nice tires and very clean. I do not know where they were going, but I can only assume that due to the location and timing that this person must have been going to work. And maybe they have a well-kept house to go along with that lovely mini-van. Wow. It looked like they were truly living the American dream.

The only thing that disturbed me was the bumper sticker that they had so proudly displayed above the back window. It read: NOT MY PRESIDENT! 

(Seemed a bit hypocritical to me.) Really?! I thought to myself. Then I blurted out, "Grow the fuck up! He is your president, and he's mine, so deal with it."

I mean seriously, let's think about it for a second. Don't you think that every president ever elected had some non-supporters? Umm, yea,,,,I'm sure every single one of them did.

You see, I do not just see the NOT MY PRESIDENT message as just being a passive non-supporter of the currently government in place; I see it as  a slap across the face of our country's democratic system. And it doesn't even matter what party I belong to; I would feel this way on any side; and so should all of us. Yea, I get it that people are passionate about their party, and their candidate. So are high school students when they are electing the president of the Student Council each year; and then they learn that not everyone is a winner; someone has to lose. That is--by definition--what a race is.

It's so simple people, we vote, we count the votes, the one with the most electoral votes wins, then the new administration peacefully moves into office. If your not happy with the results, work harder next election. Seems elementary right? But why hasn't that happened this year? What is happening with folks' sense of patriotism. "I'm moving to Canada!" they screamed during the election. what....move already, who cares???? But those of us that are staying should support our democracy. (Hey, I have lived in countries where people were threatened and even shot while standing in lines to vote. Do we really want that to happen to our country? God forbid.)

Come on people, Trump took office Jan 20, and yet three months later I still hear whining and crying about it. Let's teach our kids what real democracy is. Show them to speak up when necessary, yes, but also show them to respect the process.

We tell our kids all the time that they need to grow up,,,,hey guys,,,you do too.

Old, Transcript, Constitution, Vintage
Look familiar???????

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